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mr. tao Airplanes use a special type of petroleum- based fuel called aviation fuel. It is made of very high-quality petroleum spirit and contains additives to prevent icing or explosion.
The two types of aviation fuel are jet fuel and aviation gasoline. The most common jet fuel is made from paraffin oil and kerosene and is called JET A-1. JET B belongs to the naphtha-kerosene family and performs remarkably well in cold weather. Aviation fuel contains highly refined gasoline and is sold to individual aircraft operators. Jet fuel is sold to large aircraft operators such as airlines and the military. High quality and purity differentiate aviation fuel and jet fuel from the gasoline used in cars.
2016-05-17 11:53 · Reply · (0)

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16221United States"Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but primarily by catchwords."
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